

Infants and toddlers continue to change constantly and demonstrate new interests and abilities. Once they can freely explore their world, we help keep them safe inside the home and outside as well. Preparation and active supervision is a way to stay engaged, pay attention, and help infants and toddlers practice their new skills safely. Keeping each person in the family safe will help keep everyone safe.

Safety Resources:

Intimate Partner Violence - Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC) is the largest domestic violence safe shelter in Alaska. AWAIC provides safe shelter and supportive services to women, men, and children affected by domestic violence.

Legal help for domestic violence - Alaska Legal Services Corporation is dedicated to helping victims and individuals stabilize their lives to protect themselves and their children. Attorneys provide legal aid in all types of family law matters for domestic violence victims including child abduction, restraining orders, divorce, paternity, custody, visitation and child support.

Child proof home - A Guide To Childproofing Your Home. Whether our kids are crawling, toddling or even driving, it’s our job to keep them safe from the hidden dangers lurking at home.

Gun safety at home - Guns in the Home: Keeping Kids Safe. Firearms are now the leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens under the age of 18. And the reality is that having firearms in the home increases the risk of unintentional shootings, suicide and homicide.

Car seat safety - At Safe Alaskans, we work to prevent injuries, promote wellbeing, and improve safety for all Alaskans. The best car seat is the one that fits the child, fits the vehicle and that you can use correctly every time. Certified technicians at the Center for Safe Alaskans can help you install your car seat correctly and answer your car seat questions. We offer free virtual, or in-person help for families. Call 907-929-3939 or schedule on-line using the button below.

Safe Alaskans offers a limited number of car seats and booster seats for a suggested donation of $35 for car seats and $10 for booster seats. Options are available for families unable to afford car seats and booster seats.

Choosing a Car Seat - Tips for how to choose a car seat or booster seat




Mental Health