

Babies are born with protection against some diseases because their mothers pass antibodies (proteins made by the body to fight disease) to them before birth.

Immunizations protect your child from some diseases. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids get combination vaccines (rather than single vaccines) whenever possible. Many vaccines are offered in combination to help lower the number of shots a child gets. This has been shown to be very safe.

Immunizations - Anchorage Public Health, Immunizations for vaccine preventable diseases are an important component of public health. We carry all childhood vaccines, and many adult vaccines.

Free Immunization clinics in Anchorage - Providence Alaska Children's Hospital provides free immunization clinics for children on the first Saturday of each month in Providence Alaska Medical Center

Medicaid/Denali Kid Care - Medicaid provides health coverage and long-term care services for low-income Alaskans. The Division of Public Assistance determines eligibility for this program. Note: DenaliCare and Denali KidCare are the same as Medicaid in the State of Alaska. Denali KidCare is for youth under the age of 19. - See if your are eligible at the Alaska Division of Public Assistance eligibility portal.


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