Families are welcome to stop by on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month to get 1 pack of diapers per child, size newborn to size 6, and 1 package of wipes.

Need Diapers?

Please complete a separate sign-up form for each child in need of diapers.

Ways to Donate

We want your opinion!

Please take our survey if you have used the Diaper Pantry. Let us know what you think!

The Land Before Time: A Benefit for the Diaper Pantry

Come watch The Land Before Time with us at Bear Tooth Theater on January 18th, at 1pm. Click here to buy tickets from Bear Tooth.

We’re also having a FREE Giveaway for 2 tickets to the movie (there will be 5 winners) via this form: https://forms.office.com/r/JKREK9rmsx

Need Diapers?

Please complete a separate sign-up form for each child in need of diapers.

Swaddle Me


  • Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

  • Providence Children’s Hospital

  • Help Me Grow

  • Programs for Infants and Children


  • Alaska Children’s Trust

  • Alaska Early Intervention/Infant Learning Program


  • Thread

  • Latouche Pediatrics

  • United Way of Anchorage